Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So there we are...

Neglecting the blog makes me feel that soon, I may forget all the funny, wonderful, heartbreaking, silly, crazy things that happen in our lives, and then we won't remember. For in this day and age, a digital record is all we have.... digital photos, digital journal, social media. For someone who loves printed books as much as I do, I would think that I would have been better about this. Ah well. Can't beat myself about something else now - too many other things deserve the lash as of late.

If there is anyone out there who still reads the blog, you probably know we are moving. to Santa Cruz. very soon. But we know not when. Because we HAVE NO PLACE TO LIVE YET, YA'LL. Freaking out just a bit. But then was put in serious check after seeing the pictures of the devastation in Oklahoma and then I hugged my girls all the more tight last night before I put them to bed and realized that we are lucky for what we have.

Everything has been clicking into place, so we are trying to assume that housing possibilites will too, although I did realize last night that things come in "three" - and we may have maxed out our 3 on this venture.
1) Steve got into school where we wanted.
2) Steve got in-state residency and a fellowship so we don't have to pay for school.
3) I got the job I wanted at Shakespeare Santa Cruz.

and scene.

Hmmm... so the options now are living in the VW Van. Seriously. Although in thinking about, I think Stella would probably think that it could be the most awesome thing ever, so why would we even CONSIDER living in a house? ;)

The girls are being quite wonderful, consider all the chaos erupting in our lives yet again. I think they both feel the stress a bit, and even though I haven't packed any of their things, Stella was very concerned about me packing non-essential kitchen items yesterday. Then again, I guess since the kitchen is like our second home together, that could be affecting her as much as packing some toys she hardly plays with. They both have enjoyed being able to draw on the cardboard boxes with chalk and markers so we'll certainly have a splash of color on the moving truck. ;) Not that we've reserved a truck. Or movers to help pack it. You know, BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW WHEN WE ARE LEAVING. Calm. Calm...

Louisa continues to amaze us with her grasp of communication and how fast she picks things up. I know Stella wasn't a slow learner, but I never remember her being on top of things as quick as it seems Louisa is. We taught her how to toast at the dinner table the other night - "click" as we call it. Stella loves to do it, and now Louisa thinks it could be the coolest thing ever... save for the fact that she wants to do it over and over again, and Steve was wondering how his youngest daughter could drink him under the table so soon. ;)

She also is starting to talk, which is odd for us, since Stella was so spotty with words until she was 2. Louisa's first word was "hi" which seems only fitting because she is such a gregarious and outgoing little girl. That has been quickly followed by "out" and now "up" - which, of course, are also the most important things for her - going outside and getting up in our arms. Stella taught her to "neigh" like a horse and she thinks it's pretty awesome. It's wonderful to experience this fast-paced learning/experiential environment again with her. I remember just being fascinated how much Stella took in at this age, how much she enjoyed life, and I feel so lucky to see it all again. It brings us such joy.

Louisa, however, also learned quickly from her sister how to throw tantrums, which I don't remember Stella doing at all this young. She throws her food on the floor at the table when she's pissed, she throws a fit when we say it's time for bed and rolls around on the floor crying... wow. I'm just hoping we get it all out now and then won't have to go through the 3-4 yr old nightmare, but I have a feeling that won't be the case. I always knew she was a warrior baby, and that is playing out in due course.

Stella, magically as I was promised, has subsided in tantrum land and has become so mature about certain things... she's able to explain her feelings so much more, able to make adjustments with her sister (although we're still having sharing issues, but I don't think that is EVER going to go away). So far, she is taking this moving thing in stride, which is wonderful, because we're very concerned about her emotional stability when we keep uprooting her and moving all the time.

And Vegas? Steve and I have been wondering what we'd miss. It took us a long time to come up with something. And the only thing we can honestly say we're going to miss about Las Vegas is our crackers and cereal not going stale as quickly. Yep. that's it. So if the girls forget to roll down the cereal packaging, because it's SO DAMN DRY, nothing gets stale as quickly.

Yep. Not-stale crackers. I think I can handle missing that.

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